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Firestorm – Another paraquat product sold in the U.S.

Firestorm herbicide, a formulation of paraquat dichloride with an active ingredient concentration of 44.2%, has been registered as a restricted-use chemical, only available to licensed applicators.

It is not intended for public use and is not allowed in residential areas. Furthermore, it is toxic to wildlife and should be restricted in areas where surface water is present.

Another brand name under which paraquat is sold in the U.S., Firestorm acts as a fast-acting defoliant and desiccant herbicide for weed and grass control and as a harvest aid. It is mildly corrosive to aluminum and produces hydrogen, which can generate a highly combustible gas mixture. For this reason, it is prohibited to store Firestorm in containers, tanks, or any type of equipment made of aluminum.

It has a dark green color and a strong, pungent odor from the safeguard additives designed to induce vomiting in case of accidental ingestion (when it is mistaken for beverages such as coffee).

Firestorm exposure and Parkinson's disease

One of the most significant health risks brought on by working or being around Firestorm is the development of Parkinson's disease. Licensed individuals who have mixed, handled, applied this paraquat product, or anyone living near farming communities where Firestorm is used, are at high risk of exposure and can potentially and gradually display symptoms of Parkinson's, such as:

  • tremors
  • slowness of movement
  • stiffness of the limbs and trunk
  • impaired coordination
  • changes in speech or writing

Firestorm is approved for use in more than 100 different crops, like:

  • berries
  • dry beans
  • alfalfa
  • corn
  • almonds
  • fruit and nut trees
  • vegetables
  • cotton
  • vines
  • soybeans
  • potatoes
  • rice

Agricultural workers who employ Firestorm are required to wear personal protective equipment when using the chemical:

  • respiratory protection with a dust filter
  • hand protection
  • safety glasses
  • impervious clothing to protect the skin

Despite all these protective requirements and subsequent hygiene measures involving the removal and washing of contaminated clothing before re-use, people are still at high risk of Firestorm exposure.

Exposure to paraquat products may trigger the onset of Parkinson's earlier in life than the disease usually occurs, so it is advisable to undergo periodic medical examinations. Regrettably, no known therapy or cure can slow, stop, or reverse the progression of this neurodegenerative condition.

File a paraquat claim with the help of our skillful team

If you have been exposed to Firestorm from long-term use and came to struggle with Parkinson's disease, please get in touch with our experienced team, as we specialize in evaluating personal injury and product liability claims.

After thoroughly assessing your situation, we will help you determine if you are eligible for filing a paraquat claim with the manufacturers of Firestorm. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us today.