Dabur International - Toxic hair relaxers

Dabur International makes and sells chemical hair relaxer products under various brand names, and ORS (formerly Organic Root Stimulator) is one of the cosmetics company's leading hair care brands. Although marketed as a safe, chemical hair relaxer enriched with natural olive oil, it also contains endocrine-disrupting chemicals known to increase the risk of developing uterine and ovarian cancer.

A major NIH study suggests that chemical hair relaxers may significantly increase the risk of endocrine-sensitive cancer among those who use them frequently.

The connection between hair relaxer product use and uterine cancer did not differ by ethnicity in the study. Still, because Black women use hair relaxer products more frequently and start using the products at an earlier age than other ethnicities, this evidence may be more relevant for them.

The hair relaxer claims against Dabur International were filed after the researchers published the Sister Study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The major, decade-long research conducted by the National Institute of Health found that the endocrine-disrupting chemicals in hair relaxer products can lead to the development of hormone-sensitive cancers such as:

Endocrine-disruptive chemicals in Dabur International's chemical hair straightening products

The plaintiffs filing hair relaxer claims against the Indian hair care leader were women who used the company's hair relaxer products for years and developed uterine or ovarian cancer. The plaintiffs allege that their severe health conditions were caused by exposure to the endocrine-disruptive chemicals in the cosmetic company's hair relaxer products.

The plaintiffs in hair relaxer lawsuits contend that Dabur International knew or should have known that their hair straightening products could increase the risk of cancer, but failed to warn consumers about that risk. Instead, Dabur International marketed their chemical hair relaxers, including ORS Olive Oil hair relaxers as safe for regular use.

The cosmetics company's chemical hair straighteners contain a mix of chemical compounds that interfere with the functioning of the endocrine system and can lead to the development of hormone-sensitive cancers. Some of these toxic chemicals are:

We can help you file a toxic hair relaxer claim against Dabur International

If you have developed uterine cancer or ovarian cancer, and you have been using chemical hair relaxer products marketed by Dabur International, we strongly advise you to contact Atraxia Law to see if you are entitled to compensation.

We know that struggling with cancer is overwhelming; therefore, we do all in our power to help you by offering a quick 10-minute free case evaluation over the phone.

Our team of experts will carefully review your case, inform you if you meet the preliminary requirements for a claim, and promptly put you in touch with an experienced attorney.

If you have the intention to file a toxic hair relaxer claim against Dabur International, know that you must meet several eligibility requirements:

  • you have been using Dabur International hair relaxers for at least 2 - 5 years
  • you have used the cosmetic company's hair relaxers at least four times a year
  • you have a uterine or ovarian cancer diagnosis
  • you do not have a history of uterine cancer or ovarian cancer in your family