Is my liraglutide claim still eligible even if Victoza and Saxenda are FDA-approved?

Yes, it is. While the FDA has approved both Victoza and Saxenda, you can still sue Novo Nordisk on the grounds that they failed to disclose how these can result in gastroparesis, vision loss, and bowel obstruction.

Victoza and Saxenda received FDA approval in 2010 and 2014, respectively. However, Novo Nordisk has yet to update the boxed label to disclose the other diseases people can get outside of the listed side effects.

Our experts at Atraxia Law can evaluate your claim

Claims like these can be complex and confusing. If you're not confident about your liraglutide case eligibility and want to be sure, we suggest you contact us. Our experts will thoroughly assess your case and see if you're a potential claimant. We'll put you in touch with an expert attorney as well.