How do I know if my hearing loss is related to Tepezza?

If, prior to the Tepezza infusion treatment, you had no history of hearing loss at all, and no accident or event happened that could have caused otologic symptoms, then it is reasonable to suspect that hearing loss is an adverse effect of the Tepezza treatment.

The question is more nuanced in case you already had preexisting hearing loss signs and symptoms when you started the Tepezza infusion treatment.

Should this be the case, you need to observe and document how the adverse effects of the Tepezza infusion treatment manifest in the aggravation of your preexisting condition or in the development of new otologic symptoms.

Did you experience one or more otologic symptoms of the following after your Tepezza infusion treatment?

In order to file a Tepezza claim, you will need to be able to provide medical records and other types of medical documentation that prove the development of hearing loss signs and symptoms following the Tepezza infusion treatment.

As a general rule, it is highly recommended that an overall health assessment is done before the start of any major treatment process, with special attention to the health risks the new treatment’s manufacturer warns for.

Atraxia Law can help you determine if you are eligible for compensation through a Tepezza claim

If you need assistance in determining whether your hearing loss condition is related to the adverse effects of Tepezza and thus you might be eligible for compensation, reach out to our team at Atraxia Law which has over 35 years of experience.

Our team will carefully go over your individual situation so that we can have a clear understanding of your needs and will determine if you meet the preliminary requirements for a Tepezza claim.