How much is my hernia mesh claim worth?

If you or a loved one experienced complications involving hernia mesh implantation, you deserve experienced legal help.

Many complications related to hernia repair require revision surgery or other operations to remove or replace the mesh patch or to repair the damage done by the patch. This surgery is often much more invasive and complex than the initial repair operation and it may limit your ability to work for weeks.

Some people, especially those who suffer life-threatening complications such as bowel obstruction, perforations, and adhesions, may suffer from long-term impairments because of the issue.

It is impossible to tell you exactly how much money you can get from filing a hernia mesh claim without conducting a full investigation of your case, however, we can help you understand how hernia mesh complications impacted your life and how this can influence the amount of compensation you will eventually receive.

Hernia mesh claims will likely be worth $500,000 to $1,000,000 depending on the circumstances of your case

Hernia mesh complications can undermine one’s quality and enjoyment of life, leaving victims to grapple with chronic pain and severe infections. Once you've decided to file a claim for compensation over medical problems associated with hernia mesh products, one of your biggest questions likely has to do with the value of your claim.

Figuring out the value of any injury-related claim starts with determining the nature and extent of the injured person's 'damages', and a hernia mesh claim is no different. The value of your claim will be based on a number of factors that illustrate to what extent the defective hernia mesh used in your surgery impacted you.

The average individual settlement for Atrium C-QUR mesh will probably be in line with the latest C.R. Bard settlement, between $50,000 and $100,000. While lawyers estimate that hernia mesh lawsuit settlement amounts range from $65,000 to $80,000, some may be as high as $1 million.

In order to determine the potential value of a hernia mesh case, our attorney will evaluate the following elements:

Contact Atraxia Law today to see if you meet the preliminary requirements for a claim

Our team of experts will conduct a full investigation to learn the facts of your case. When we discuss your case with you, we ask questions about your complications and how they impacted your life, and the pain and suffering you have endured. One of the best ways to determine what your claim is worth is to speak directly with a lawyer. We can put you in touch with reputable attorneys who may be able to get you the money you deserve.