Preferred Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Medroxyprogesterone Acetate - Meningioma Claims

Preferred Pharmaceuticals, Inc. provides its version of medroxyprogesterone acetate as part of its generic medication portfolio. Marketed as a long-acting contraceptive, its injection has a 13-week schedule. However groundbreaking research has revealed many health risks previously unknown to patients.

A study published in the British Medical Journal (March 2024) analyzed a decade of data and found that medroxyprogesterone acetate injections increased meningioma risk by 5.6 times. This number comes from research on patient outcomes from 2009 to 2018.

Providers of Preferred Pharmaceuticals' version focused on its contraceptive reliability, but patients were not informed about the link to the development of brain tumors requiring surgery.

Understanding the brain tumor connection

The March 2024 BMJ study highlighted several concerning patterns:

  • Higher rates of surgical intervention for brain tumors
  • Increased cases of intracranial pressure
  • Need for long-term neurological monitoring

The product has standard warnings about common side effects. However, it failed to alert providers and patients about the serious risk of developing brain tumors.

We’re here to help

If you got Preferred Pharmaceuticals’ medroxyprogesterone acetate injections and then developed meningioma, you may have a right to sue for compensation. Our team at Atraxia Law specializes in evaluating cases involving this product.

We have decades of experience in pharmaceutical litigation. We know these cases are complex and affect patients' lives. Our evaluation process will be swift and include:

  • Reviewing injection records
  • Analyzing medical diagnoses
  • Documenting the sequence of events
  • Assessing ongoing medical needs