Asbestos exposure: colorectal cancer claim eligibility

How does asbestos exposure lead to colorectal cancer?

Another terrible disease asbestos exposure can cause is colorectal cancer, which was found to occur 1.4 times more frequently in people with a history of occupational or military asbestos exposure. Usually, the ingestion of asbestos fibers released in the air by various activities is what leads to the development of colorectal cancer, but the disease can also occur if asbestos fibers travel from the lungs to this part of the body through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system.

Furthermore, the risk of smokers who had been exposed to asbestos of developing colorectal cancer was found to be 1.3 times higher. When asbestos fibers reach the colorectal area, they become embedded in the tissue, gradually causing severe inflammation and scarring which may, in turn, lead to the growth of malignant tumors.

Nevertheless, regardless of whether you are or were a smoker, if you have a colorectal cancer diagnosis and a history of asbestos exposure, you may be eligible for compensation, which our team of professionals will help you recover.

With over 35 years of experience in evaluating asbestos claims, we will gladly help you find out whether you qualify for compensation. Seeking assistance if you were injured by asbestos exposure is very important, as not only will it help you recover the money you deserve for your suffering, but it will also hold the responsible companies liable for their negligent actions.

Eligibility criteria for filing a claim for asbestos-related colorectal cancer

Because the causal relation between colorectal cancer and asbestos exposure is challenging to prove, you will need evidence of the presence of asbestos fibers in your malignant tumors. This can be achieved with the help of a biopsy, which your doctor can conduct. If asbestos fibers are found in your colorectal tumors, you will become eligible for filing a claim if you also meet the following criteria:

  • you were exposed to asbestos in occupational or military settings or secondarily
  • you file your asbestos claim within the statute of limitations

Filing your asbestos claim within the statute of limitations is crucial, as otherwise, you lose your right to compensation. The statute of limitations is 3-5 years from the moment of diagnosis in most states, but you may live in a state with a shorter statute of limitations, which is why we strongly encourage you to seek our assistance as soon as you receive your diagnosis. While the process of evaluating your claim is quite complex, it will require minimal involvement on your part, as we are aware that people who struggle with cancer are often in a lot of physical and emotional pain.

To make the process easier for you, a family member can help you navigate it. If we find out that you are eligible for filing a claim, we will promptly guide you to a specialized attorney, who will further help you with the process of recovering compensation. It is important to know that, if you have terminal colorectal cancer caused by asbestos exposure, your claim will be expedited so that you can receive the compensation you are entitled to within the shortest time possible.

Atraxia Law will help you file your asbestos claim if you suffer from colorectal cancer

If you have a diagnosis of colorectal cancer and a history of asbestos exposure, you may be eligible for filing a claim. However, to make sure you meet the criteria, we are here to help you by thoroughly evaluating your case, which will greatly ease the subsequent legal process. The only documents we will need from you are your employment or military records, as well as your medical records, as everything else will be efficiently taken care of by our experts for you.

Our team of professionals will carefully take into consideration every aspect of your situation so that we can eventually let you know with certainty whether you qualify for filing a claim for asbestos exposure. If you do, we will guide you to a lawyer whose primary area of practice is toxic exposure, who will provide you with the legal assistance you need to obtain the money you deserve for your injury.